Indeed Bernard, haha.

20 Feb 2023, 15:40
Indeed Bernard, haha! As to what you guys can do to support us further: we’re going to be relying on community support as we move into a new phase of awareness raising for the project that will take advantage of an improving market and our current development aims and trajectory. I can’t announce any specifics here yet, but it’s something we have been working on for some time and have signed up partners in the US and LatAm to work with us on this, get more eyeballs on the project etc. Setting it all up is a fairly involved process, however we expect to launch (and therefore ann) this initiative within a week or two. At that point, we will be generating a ton of ongoing material to ann, Tweet, retweet and promote and we’ll be relying on the community to help as with this, as well as get involved in the initiative itself, the process, outcomes and rewards. The initiative will be based around dLoans and will focus new communities on the project through the prism of this (and other) browser features. This will give context as to what the browser is and does via a specific Defi feature of interest to many, while expanding a wider understanding of our aims and goals, etc. Stay tuned for more…